The gender pay gap is the difference between the average pay of men and women in an organisation. It illustrates how men and women are distributed throughout our range of pay.

We compare the balance of men and women in each quarter of our pay range and assess this against the overall gender balance at the RSC. These differences show us where women are over and under-represented in relation to pay. 

The Gender Pay Gap is different to Equal Pay. Equal Pay is the difference in pay between men and women performing the same or similar work. Unequal pay is unlawful. 

The legislation requires any employer with 250 or more employees on a specific date each year to report their gender pay gap data.  

RSC Gender Pay Gap April 2023

This year (data taken from April 2023), our mean gender pay gap is 13.1% and median gap is 16.6%.  

There were 678 people included in our mean and median pay gap calculations. We excluded eight women from the calculations as they did not receive their full pay due to reduced pay leave. 

Pay Quarters 

We are required to publish data on the percentage of men and women in each pay quarter. These show the differences in the distribution of men and women throughout the pay range of an organisation. 


Pay Quartile


Women (variance to April 2022)



54% (+5%)

Upper Middle


52% (+1%)

Lower Middle


64% (-2%)



77% (+11%)

Our gender pay gap is significantly influenced by our artistic programme. For example: 

  • In April 2022, there were no productions open in Stratford-upon-Avon, reducing the number of staff working in audience-facing roles such as Front of House. We therefore excluded 133 people from the data as they were not working during the snapshot week.  

  • In April 2023, Julius Caesar and Hamnet were open in Stratford-upon-Avon, alongside Cymbeline and our Cunard partnership productions which were in rehearsal. All departments were therefore working, including our audience-facing teams who had been excluded from the data in April 2022. Given the rates of pay, this group dominates the Lower Quarter. Whilst everyone in these teams doing the same roles receive the same hourly rate of pay, regardless of gender, these teams tend to have a much higher proportion of women.  


No bonuses were paid. 


  • We continue to pay Real Living Wage rates as a minimum, including to our Apprentices. 

  • We are undertaking a review of recruitment, to understand more about how people with different protected characteristics – including sex – apply for roles, and how they move through the recruitment process. 

  • We intend to publish our April 2024 pay gap data in summer 2024 and will share further detail on our analysis and actions then.  


I confirm that the information contained in this report is, to the best of my knowledge and ability, accurate.  

Vicky Cheetham and Sandeep Mahal
Interim Co-Executive Directors 

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