Two-hour workshops in our Clore Learning Centre, on a Shakespeare play of your choice.

Stratford Joint Open day 2024_2024_Photo_ Sara Beaumont _c_ RSC_371161

Booking details

Ideal for: Key Stages 2-5

Date: Available Monday - Friday during Warwickshire term time

Time: Two-hour sessions starting at 10.30am, 1.30pm or 4pm

Venue: Clore Learning Centre, Stratford-upon-Avon

Cost: UK State Schools: £225*

UK Independent Schools: £375*

International school/ UK and International Universities: £475*

*We have three regular workshop spaces, which accommodate up to 33, 22 and 13 students respectively. The cost listed is for a single workshop in a single room. Bookings are subject to availability. Please see our FAQs page for more detail.

Our room capacities vary but our workshops fees are fixed due to our artist and resource costs -  please speak to our Box Office team for room availability to find the best fit to your needs.


To book email or call the Learning Hotline on 01789 331259 (midday-6pm, Monday – Friday, excluding Bank Holidays)

Large bookings: For groups wishing to bring more than 68 students across a single timeslot, please contact directly for enquiries.


The students will work as actors and directors on any Shakespeare play of your choice, or any RSC play from the upcoming season. Our workshops explore characters, scenes and themes using practical techniques from the RSC rehearsal room. All workshops are led by an RSC Associate Learning Practitioner – an actor, director or creative with experience of the RSC’s rehearsal room. Workshops last two hours and can be tailored to any class.

A typical workshop might involve:


  • Key Stage 2

  • Key Stage 3

  • Key Stage 4

  • Key Stage 5



Risk Assessments
Download our Clore Learning Centre Risk Assessment and download our School Groups Risk Assessment

We uphold the principle that the welfare of children and adults at risk is paramount, and that all children and adults have the right to protection from abuse and neglect. Our Safeguarding Children Policy and Code of Conduct was established with advice from the NSPCC. See our safeguarding policies

The work of the RSC Creative, Learning and Engagement department is generously supported by Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, The Clore Duffield Foundation, Foyle Foundation, GRoW @ Annenberg, The Polonsky Foundation, The Thompson Family Charitable Trust, Halabi Thomaz Foundation, Stratford Town Trust, John S Cohen Foundation, HDH Wills 1965 Charitable Trust, Noël Coward Foundation, Teale Charitable Trust, The Grimmitt Trust, Sir James Knott Trust, The Oakley Charitable Trust and Misses Barrie Charitable Trust

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