All our productions have the support of text and voice coaches. In rehearsal we work on the language by exploring the dynamics of sound and rhythm.

Voice rehearsals for the company in 2008
Some of the company at voice rehearsals in 2008.
Photo by Ellie Kurttz © RSC Browse and license our images

There's so much more to Shakespeare's plays that simply reading his words aloud. The dynamics of Shakespeare's language are an art form in themselves. So our Voice department provide opportunities for actors to approach the text in a physical and visceral way.

We work with the body as well as the voice, helping actors to build vocal and breathing stamina, flexibility and muscularity as well as to make connections between text, voice and character.

Text and voice coaches also work on the understudy roles, offering actors the time and space to 'play' with the text and organically develop their performances.

Vocal warm-ups take place before every performance to help actors prepare their voices focus their minds.

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