This production directed by Dominic Cooke featured Greg Hicks as Macbeth and Sian Thomas as Lady Macbeth.

Greg Hicks as Macbeth in a heavy winter coat, Sian Thomas as Lady Macbeth in a grey long dress
Macbeth (2004), directed by Dominic Cooke.

Dominic Cooke's 2011 production of Macbeth was performed in the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. 

Reviews on Cooke's Macbeth:

Review by Michael Billington, Guardian:
Macbeth review, 2004

Interview with Dominic Cooke, BBC Coventry and Warwickshire:
Go on, just call it Macbeth!

Interview with Dominic Cooke by Rupert Christiansen, The Daily Telegraph:
Evil is not enough

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